February 16, 2022
Design / Development

How it Works

O ur this solution is for sellers who travel around the country and sell products with their agents. This is also a web application. But we have created a similar android app for web applications.

As a company agent, after registering as a user of the app you can submit sales by simply tapping on the app. The app then automatically detects your location and stores them in a database, giving your company a quick and accurate sales report.

As a company owner, you can use this app to get a lot of information about your agents and their sales. You can see all the customers and their locations on the map and you can connect with them through the app. You can see your dealerships and see its sales to easily manage your company. It can give you a complete sales and dealers report.

Process & Results

The application mainly works on nodeJS and React framework. It uses GPRS technology and retrieves all data for processes. The application database is based on mongo db and can be used as a real-time chat application between company and agents.

All front-end and back-end are designed by our developers. we mainly forcused on the back-end to give the user a better experience.